Wiccan Blessings

 Bedtime Blessing In the still of night, While the worlds around me sleeps, May the lady shine upon me, And the Lord show me peace. Blessing upon (those you want blessed) I know that you will care for them and bring them what they need. Instill in me great harmony, In though and word and... Continue Reading →

Spirit Prayer

I invoke the Spirits to guide me and protect me, My faith assures that only the positive may touch my being, I am safe and at my ease in my body, my mind and my spirit. This is my will, My promise, So Mote it Be!

Grounding Exercise

Find a comfortable position seated. It can be cross-legged on the floor, sitting in a comfortable chair or anywhere that you feel relaxed. Close your physical eyes. Then using your Third eye, visualize your body in whatever position you are in. See it as clearly as if you are watching from the outside. As best... Continue Reading →

Shielding Ritual

Clear a space around you approximately five feet in radius, nothing but the floor should cross this circle, because that is what it will be, a Circle. Next using your dominant hand, and an instrument of your choice, (or just your first two fingers) begin drawing a circle around you. As you pass your starting... Continue Reading →

Cakes and Ale

Things you'll need:  Chalice  Athame Food offering & Drink offering The Priestess calls two coveners by name, one as acting masculine energy and one acting as the feminine energy. They come and stand before the Altar. The feminine energy takes the goblet in both hands and holds it to their breast. The masculine energy takes... Continue Reading →

Protection Book of Mirrors

These words herein are mine alone fashioned from deep inside my bones each picture, thought, and quotes you see, are all reflections of what is me. Beware of the urge to take this book or to read it in some private nook, for the magick, you see, isn't blind, and I will know you've touched... Continue Reading →

Samhain Ritual- 2018

  This ritual can take all day or a few hours. It really depends on what you can fit into your schedule. Things you'll need: * Goddess Candle * God Candle * Spirit Candle * Poppet things. Begin the ritual by taking a walk in nature. Collect things for the altar and gather things for... Continue Reading →

Tower of Light

  Start by settling yourself, comfortably. It need not be in Sacred Space, although that is preferred. Picture your aura, the energy field around you. Now picture your Chakras, the points on and in your body that generate your aura. There are Chakra in your feet and hands. There is one at the base of your... Continue Reading →

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